Lighting Fixtures in Damp V/S Wet Locations

Lighting fixtures in damp v/s wet locations

Lighting Fixtures in Damp V/S Wet Locations

The safety rating of your lights and fixtures is the most important factor when choosing your new lighting plan. Ensuring that each of your lighting products has been tested and approved to keep you and your family safe is our number one priority. While you want to be certain that all of the lights in your home are safe and reliable, this is especially important for lights that may come into contact with moisture. In these cases, the lights must be either Damp or Wet-Location Rated.

Damp Location Fixtures

For spaces like bathrooms or kitchens where moisture or condensation can be near your lights, it is important to look for bulbs and fixtures marked as suitable for either wet or damp locations; you will need to a LED light that is labelled as safe for damp locations at the very least. If you are looking to install your lighting outdoors, an outdoor damp-rated fixture cannot come in direct contact with water and therefore must be fully covered.

Wet Location Fixtures

For indoor and/or outdoor use, any light that can be in direct contact with any water (not just moisture or steam) like showers, uncovered patios, decks, or other uncovered areas, must be Wet-Location Rated. The most important thing to consider when deciding to purchase a Damp or Wet Location Lighting is how much exposure to moisture the light will have.

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