Home Automation

Home automation

Home automation: Switch to the future

Stay smart with smart lighting

We take smartphones and smart TVs for granted, and the same is now becoming true for smart lighting. In just a few short years it has gone from a plaything for a few trendsetters to a standard feature of modern homes and offices.

Innovative products for a wide range of applications and locations

Choice of control options: standard light switch, WiFi remote control, smartphone app or smart speaker; quick and easy to install, no technical knowledge needed.

 Lighting to suit your mood

Lighting that adapts to requirements: (e.g. bright cold white light for shaving or putting on makeup; warm dimmed light for a relaxing bath), and situations: High level of security as you can control the lights remotely to simulate your presence (WIFI products only); can also be combined with camera lights and alarm systems.


Before you turn your home into a paradise of smart lighting, you need to choose one of three technologies: WiFi, Bluetooth or Zigbee. Each has its advantages. The one that suits you best will depend, for example, on the current circumstances in your house or apartment and on what you intend to do with your lighting in the future. Of course, there is nothing to stop you opting for a different technology in each room, but overall it makes sense to have a uniform system.

Advantages of WiFi

a- Ideal if you already have an internet router in your home and want to control your lights even when you are away from home (e.g. on holiday to deter intruders, or if you have forgotten to turn off the lights)

b- Simple and convenient integration in your home network

c- No additional gateway required for control

d- Proven technology with high functionality

Advantages of Bluetooth

a – No additional gateway needed

b – Ideal if you want to integrate more and more smart products in your network (with Bluetooth Mesh there are virtually no limits as each additional product increases the range and control options)

Advantages of Zigbee

It’s a Zonal Intercommunication Global-standard, a wireless protocol that is used to allow Smart Devices such as light bulbs, sockets, plugs, smart locks, motion sensors and door sensors to communicate with each other over a “PAN” (Personal Area Network).

a – It doesn’t require an internet connection or router to communicate between devices.

b – It offers greater reach and more stable coverage than Wi-Fi. This protocol provides a strong connection when devices are at most 40 feet from each other indoors


Light is so much more than on or off, and bright or dark. You can create atmosphere with different lighting moods. Smart control is great fun and there is so much magic to discover. Not to mention convenience. Controlling your lights using voice commands or an app is not only really cool but also offers increased security and enables you to set accents precisely where you want them.

1- More enjoyment

Need to put on makeup? Spotlight on! Time for cuddles? Smart dimming! Getting lost in a book? Let there be light! You can adjust the intensity of the light, choose from 16 million amazing colors and get the best light for any situation.

2- More comfort

You’ve been dreaming of such comfort for a long time. Without moving from your sofa, you can control the lights throughout your house with a remote control, a tap of your finger or a voice command.

3- More security

Switch on the lights in your house from your smartphone while you’re on holiday to make it look like you’re at home. Activate the outdoor lights as you approach your home. Dark areas around your house can be safeguarded with motion detectors, cameras and alarms.

4- Better experience

The possibilities are endless. You can use light to highlight specific areas or objects, alter spatial perceptions and enhance emotions.



Gone are the days when you had to fumble in the dark for the light switch or get up off the sofa to turn the lights on.  With a remote control or smartphone, you always have control at your fingertips. And if that is still too much for you, your lights will even do what you say.


The first time you experience smart control you’ll be an instant convert. Once you’ve tried smart control you’ll never want to be without it and you’ll want more and more. Be inspired and experience your own personal enlightenment.

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