Category: Emergency Lights

Protective Lighting Strategies For Industrial Areas

Protective Lighting Strategies For Industrial Areas Using protective lighting is a practical, cost-effective way to add a layer of security to your overall security strategy. Protective lighting delivers increased visibility for risk scenarios as well as the optimal visibility for security functions like video surveillance and guard duties. The Basics of Protective Lighting Protective lighting,…
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Protect your lighting from failure

Protect your lighting from failure What is a Power Surge? A power surge, or transient overvoltage, is a sudden increase in the voltage within an electrical circuit or system. During a surge, the power rises dramatically above its standard level and overloads the circuit. Voltage spikes can last for a few microseconds but reach hundreds…
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Types of LED Tunnel Light

Types of LED Tunnel Light What are LED tunnel lights? LED tunnel lights are classified into three types based on their function: standard LED tunnel lights, dimmable LED tunnel lights, and emergency LED tunnel lights. In addition to regular LED tunnel lights or dimmable tunnel lights, a certain number of emergency LED tunnel lights must…
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